Health and Community Services Committee Meeting - August 27, 2024


1. Call to Order 00:00:09

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:01:21

3. Roll Call of Members 00:01:43

4. Addenda to the Agenda 00:02:03

5. Public Comment 00:02:08

6. Chair's Remarks 00:02:36

7. Unfinished Business 00:02:41

8. New Business 00:02:45

8.2 Joint resolution approving the first amendment to the Program Year (PY) 2024 United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan (AAP). 00:03:10

8.3 Resolution amending the Housing and Community Development Commission (HCDC) Bylaws 00:04:46

8.4 Joint resolution approving a Sub Award Agreement with the College of Lake County for Workforce Development to provide services under the Climate Equity Jobs Act (CEJA) Workforce Hub Project and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount not to exceed $2,052,138 for the Workforce Development Department and increasing the headcount of Workforce Development by five full-time employees. 00:07:23

8.5 Presentation and Update on Lake County Opioid Settlement Funds 00:28:41

9. County Administrator's Report 00:29:28

10. Executive Session 00:29:34

11. Member Remarks and Requests 00:29:38

12. Adjournment - Next Meeting: September 3, 2024. 00:33:02

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