Financial & Administrative Committee Meeting - September 9, 2021


1. Call to Order 00:00:02

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:01:05

3. Roll Call of Members 00:01:24

4. Addenda to the Agenda 00:01:52

5. Public Comment (Items Not on the Agenda) 00:01:54

6. Chair's Remarks 00:02:01

7. Unfinished Business 00:02:03

8. New Business CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.6) 00:22:37


Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Berger Excavating Contractors, Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $10,583,076.83 for intersection improvements at Gilmer Road and Midlothian Road.


Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with BLA, Inc., Itasca, Illinois, for Phase I professional engineering services for non-motorized travel improvements along Washington Street, between Sextant Drive and Almond Road, at a maximum cost of $407,930, and appropriating $490,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.


Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Alfred Benesch and Company, Chicago, Illinois, for Phase I professional engineering services for non-motorized travel improvements along Lake Cook Road, between the Skokie Valley Bike Path and the Chicago Botanical Gardens entrance, at a maximum cost of $998,903, and appropriating $1,200,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

8.10 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Facilities and Construction Services 00:29:39

Resolution authorizing an agreement with Stanley Consultants, Inc., Chicago, Illinois for relocating of east and west electrical main services to new location for Depke Juvenile Justice Complex in the amount of $89,664.

8.11 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Facilities and Construction Services 00:31:13

Director’s Report - Facilities and Construction Services

8.12 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:31:21

Resolution authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Lake County Board, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31, as the exclusive representative of the Coroner’s Office.

8.13 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:33:20

Resolution increasing the years of military service an employee can purchase and convert into IMRF Service Credit from two (2) to four (4) years.

8.14 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:35:28

Committee action authorizing the reclassification of a position in the Division of Transportation.

8.15 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:37:15

Committee action authorizing to offer a salary above the position grade midpoint in the Division of Transportation.

8.16 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:38:12

Committee action authorizing the reclassification of a position in the Sheriff’s Office.

8.17 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Human Resources 00:39:18

Director's Report - Human Resources.

8.18 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Finance and Administrative Services 00:39:26

Resolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of transferring previously approved funds in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

8.19 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Finance and Administrative Services 00:41:51

Resolution accepting and placing on file an estimate of the annual aggregate tax levy and providing for the apportionment of estimated taxes across the various items for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Appropriation Ordinance as will be adopted by the County Board of Lake County, Illinois (County Board).

8.20 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Finance and Administrative Services 00:44:56

Resolution authorizing an amendment to both the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget and Financial Policies and the FY 2022 Budget and Financial Policies related to expense review.

8.21 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Finance and Administrative Services 00:48:12

Director's Report - Finance and Administrative Services.

8.22 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Information Technology 00:48:18

Resolution ratifying a service agreement with First Communications, LLC, Akron, Ohio, for one-year in an amount not to exceed $65,000 for an emergency procurement to transform a portion of the County’s telecommunication services slated for decommission.

8.23 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Information Technology 00:49:27

Resolution authorizing a one-year contract with CDW Government (CDW-G), Vernon Hills, Illinois, for a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training solution in an estimated amount of $58,518 with the option to renew for two, one-year periods.

8.24 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Information Technology 00:52:00

Resolution authorizing a three-year contract with CDW Government (CDW-G), Vernon Hills, Illinois, to upgrade the hardware and related support for the Tegile systems in the amount of $317,068.97.

8.25 - FINANCIAL & ADMINISTRATION - Information Technology 00:56:18

Director's Report - Information Technology

9. County Administrator's Report 00:56:25

10. Executive Session 00:56:51

11. Members Remarks 00:56:56

12. Adjournment 00:57:03

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