Health & Community Services Committee Meeting - March 7, 2023


1. Call to Order 00:00:17

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:32

3. Roll Call of Members 00:00:51

4. Addenda to the Agenda 00:01:12

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda) 00:01:16

6. Chair's Remarks 00:01:30

7. Unfinished Business 00:01:34

8. New Business 00:01:39

8.1 - 8.5 CONSENT AGENDA (minutes) 00:01:57

8.6 Joint resolution approving the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan as the Sixth Amendment to the Program Year (PY) 2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP). 00:02:18

8.7 Joint resolution approving the Program Year (PY) 2023 Video Gaming Revenue grant funding recommendations in the amount of $640,000. 00:05:55

8.8 Joint resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Waukegan Park District for the completion of 24 CFR Part 58 Environmental Review Records (ERRs). 00:58:49

8.9 Joint resolution approving the Program Year (PY) 2023 Lake County Affordable Housing Program (LCAHP) grant awards. 00:59:09

8.10 Joint resolution accepting the National Association of County and City Health Officials grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $120,000 for the Local Health Department Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance grant 01:03:02

8.11 Annual Health Department Update 01:07:32

9. County Administrator's Report 01:33:09

10. Executive Session 01:33:14

11. Members' Remarks 01:33:18

12. Adjournment Next Meeting: March 28, 2023 01:33:26

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