Planning, Building, Zoning, & Environment Committee Meeting - March 8, 2023


1. Call to Order 00:00:13

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:30

3. Roll Call of Members 00:00:47

4. Addenda to the Agenda 00:01:06

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda) 00:01:10

6. Chair's Remarks 00:01:15

7. Unfinished Business 00:01:16

8. New Business 00:01:18

8.1 Presentation and Discussion on Heat Smart Chicagoland and Grow Geo Chicagoland. 00:01:23

8.2 Update on Environmental Sustainability Workplan Items. 00:31:35

8.3 Resolution directing the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals to conduct a public hearing on proposed text amendments to Chapter 151 of the Lake County, Illinois, Code of Ordinances relating to regulation of fill/grade operations in unincorporated Lake County. 00:38:14

8.4 Resolution directing the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals to conduct a public hearing on proposed text amendments to Chapter 151 of the Lake County, Illinois, Code of Ordinances relating to sustainable energy facilities in unincorporated Lake County. 01:39:22

8.5 Director's Report -- Planning, Building and Development 01:49:19

9. County Administrator's Report 01:51:05

10. Executive Session 01:51:47

11. Members' Remarks 01:51:49

12. Adjournment Next Meeting: March 29, 2023 01:54:58

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