Law & Judicial Committee Meeting - February 27, 2024


1. Call to Order 00:00:24

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:35

3. Roll Call of Members 00:02:04

4. Addenda to the Agenda 00:02:21

5. Public Comment 00:02:24

6. Chair's Remarks 00:02:30

7. Unfinished Business 00:02:40

8. New Business CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.7) 00:02:43

8.15 24-0205 Joint resolution ratifying the purchase of Solacom 9-1-1 Guardian equipment and professional services from Comtech Solacom Technologies, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, in an estimated total amount of $1,328,530 to support the Regional Operations Communications (ROC) Facility. 00:04:13

8.8 24-0226 Joint resolution authorizing a line-item transfer within the Sheriff’s Department budget for the temporary housing of inmates in McHenry County in the amount of $1,680,454.27. 00:06:36

8.9 24-0227 Joint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement authorized by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office with Streicher’s-Milwaukee of Plymouth, Minnesota for the replacement of sixty ballistic plates in the amount of $38,430. 00:50:46

8.10 24-0229 Joint resolution accepting the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $74,064. 01:01:04

8.11 24-0230 Joint resolution authorizing a two-year contract with Insight Public Sector SLED, Chandler, Arizona for the purchase of 15 Flock Safety Cameras for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $90,000 out of the Sheriff’s Asset Forfeiture Fund. 01:01:54

8.12 24-0107 Joint resolution authorizing the application acceptance and emergency appropriation of a Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $4,500 for the purpose of enhancing the State’s Attorney’s Office’s capacity to provide community outreach, awareness, and education through virtual and remote activities. 01:08:55

8.13 24-0149 Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of a Justice Assistance Grant Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities (JAG VCRIC) grant awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office for a domestic violence intensive treatment and diversion program for victims and offenders, including an emergency appropriation of $300,000 in federal funds, if awarded. 01:11:04

8.14 24-0222 Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Office Prosecutor-Based Victim Assistance Program through a Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, including an emergency appropriation of $200,000 in federal funds. 01:14:14

8.16 24-0180 Public Defender Annual Update. 01:15:53

9. County Administrator's Report 01:41:18

10. Executive Session 01:42:37

11. Member Remarks and Requests 01:42:39

12. Adjournment Next Meeting: March 5, 2024 01:49:57

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